Wednesday, June 1, 2011

3 birds afly, one bird down

The big day commences, June 1st, 2011.

This morning 3/4 of the birds departed to Mayne Island to begin the journey down south! However, trauma strikes and just before the big journey begins, we have one bird down. That would me, Hailey (Gooch) at home, on June 1st, with an ice pack, a bottle of T3's and two extracted wisdom teeth at my beside table. I had to have emergency oral surgery to remove one hell of a wisdom tooth (teeth, actually there were two) which were disrupting my other chompers. There was debate about whether to perform this surgery now, or in some back alley  in mexico, needless to say i chose the former. SUPER bummed, lonely and sore, but i will meet up with the birds on Salt Spring Island on friday june 3 regardless. the show must go on. this is life and (soon) i will laugh about it.
i know you are anticipating sublime photos of coastal elegance, but i will grace you with this lovely photo of what was once in my mouth- they will be strapped around my neck for good luck. i am not in contact with the other birds, but as far as i know, they are visiting Starry Meadows Farm tomorrow June 2nd, we'll hear more soon. lotsa of love to those who are listening and will be sharing this journey with us for the following three months. until soon.x


  1. The other other birds arrived safe and sound at my place and have set up camp. Sorry to hear about the bad timing for your wisdom teeth! I have a pair that need to come out, and I've been putting it off...

  2. thanks Manny! im glad they made it safe, cheers for taking care of them!
