Thursday, February 17, 2011

and then another FUNDRAISER!!!??!?! SD Style.

This is Josie and with a week off from school I flew south to catch some sun and see the family. And what did I find when I got there, but a lovely sister, Deana Carter and her group, Women Benefitting the Community, who wanted to throw another fundraiser for the BIRDS ON BIKES!!!!!

Tonight- Thursday February 17th, 2011, 6pm-9pm at Jose's Courtroom in San Diego. 1037 Prospect Street.

This time it's San Diego style- tequila, Mexican food and way too much fun! For those of you who can make it- DO!!!!

Caw-caw mis parajos!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


WHEW! The birds. have. been. on. hiatus.

The bird bath fundraiser shakedown was a success, although it left us entirely depleted of energy and time. We are incredibly grateful for all of those who helped, danced, drank and left leaving us increasingly stoked for our journey. I know there has been anticipation- we scored the numbers and we came out way on top with $1000 profit!!

This event was truly an insight into collaborative efforts. This was a reciprocal exchange among a network of incredible artists- The Albertans, The Geese, Adam and Allyson the DJ's, Voracious V and Madam Mae the burlesque dancers, the talented Skylar Punett who illustrated our logo, Kevin Hubbard who donated his amazing print, all of the local bike shops who generously donated their goods and of course ALL of our amazing friends and family who came out and donate their time. THANK. YOU.

The energy is UP and the word is out as we continue to exchange inspirations. At this point, after all the fundraiser chaos, we seemed to forget that we are doing a bike trip. And I realized that I am going to need a bike. Therefore, we are now researching fancy bike stuff, locations to visit, training. ETC.
Until next time...
